Florida gets HOT, pretty much year round. So you want to make sure that your AC is running well.

That means, you should get semi-annual checkups, and change your filter often.

I am sure you are thinking, how changing your filter often isn’t THAT big a deal, right? What’s the worst that can happen?

I had a listing in Davie, where the seller lived out of state, and she had renters living in the home. Once they moved out, it was empty for a month as we were showing it.

The renters hadn’t changed the filter, and since it was empty, no one thought to change it either.

We got a contract and were expecting to close in a month.

In the middle of the transaction, I got a call from the appraiser, who told me that I better get out to the house, that there was a leak.

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Since the filter hadn’t been changed, it exploded, and the AC froze. Then it melted, flooding the second floor, into the garage.

Luckily, I have a good AC guy (always a good thing to have!), who got out there that night to save my seller. Cosmin Bogdan of Rom-Cooling was awesome, and helped contain and fix the problem. (http://www.romcooling.com)

She had to pay for the AC guy and a contractor to fix it, which was money out of her pocket, even though we were weeks away from a closing.

So, make sure to get your semi-annual checkups and change your filters!!!