People love good stories and sellers are no different. A lot of sellers want their home to go to buyers that will love, appreciate and take good care of that home.
It is good to keep that in mind when submitting an offer. Yes, a seller wants as much as possible, but deep down, they are having a hard time leaving that home. They want it to go to someone they generally like. Not everyone is a fan of their house going to an investor who cares little for the property.
Here in South Florida it is not uncommon for a buyer to find themselves in a multiple offer situation. When that happens, I encourage my buyers to write a nice, heartfelt letter to the sellers why they love the house, how much it would mean to them to get the house, and so on.
My buyers have won quite a few deals with their “seller letters.” I think it is a good practice to put some “love and care” into an offer. Don’t be afraid to put some emotion in, it might win you a new home!