You need an inspection on EVERY home that you are interested in purchasing.
Some people think that the newer the better, which would have less problems.
That is not 100% true.
I had some buyers purchasing a 2007 townhouse in Coral Ridge that was in beautiful shape for about $600,000. There had been a water leak in the past (the sellers disclosed it), saying it was repaired.
The home inspector pointed out that the balcony was pitched wrong, with the water coming towards the home, instead of away from it. So even though they fixed the leak, the leak would just keep coming back over time until the balcony was corrected.
We were able to get a large credit ($15,000) for the work needed and my buyers completed the work immediately after closing.
A good inspection is worth it and then some, as you can see by the credit we received.
In South Florida, the best inspector I have come across (and the one who found this issue) is Brendan Haggerty at Pillar to Post. He has a great team of inspectors with multiple inspection package options. He has saved quite a few buyers from some bad investments.